Lonely again -another year

Ok. So I hit the big 4-0 in July and remain single and childless. Although I’m a man, I feel some kind of inner clock ticking.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I’ve always felt that Thanksgiving was a more spiritual holiday than Christmas because it’s not about getting gifts, but about showing appreciation for what you have in life.  I’m desperately trying to remain positive and think of things for which I am genuinely grateful – such as my general physical health and employment status, but as another year draws to a close, I can’t help but feel an aching emptiness.

I’m sick to death of people assuming that I’m gay just because my closest friends are male and they’re the ones with whom I spend much of my free time.  I can’t stress this statement enough. I have at least two female co-workers who assume that my best friend is my lover. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As much as I love David, we’re never, ever going to get jiggy with it as they used to say in the early 90s.

The dating prospects don’t look terribly bright when I read the personals. Anything that says something like “looking for prince charming” or “looking my knight in shining armor” send me running the other way. Should I place an ad saying I seek a damsel in distress with ample breasts? How many little boys under the age of 10 do you know who say they want to be princes or knights when they grow up? This is the 21st century – wake UP!   I look around at some of my sharp-tongued, harpyish female co-workers and find myself astounded that anyone would want to spend their lives with these shrews.  I’m fully expecting to hear about an impending divorce or separation, if not a murder.  I live in the NYC area, which is the bad attitude capital of the world, I think. I’m a very sensitive person, an HSP, as Elaine Aron would say, and have very little tolerance for diva-esque, controlling, or manipulative behavior. Offend me, and I’m very likely to want you out of my life, pronto.   Combine that sensitivity with a generation of women who can cuss like sailors – and you have one very lonely and single guy.

Anyone else who can relate?


The Gates-Finale

I am one of a depressingly few loyal viewers of this great show. First a recap, then an appeal.

The devious blonde bitchy witch Devon managed to get Sarah to poison Vanessa Buckley and get herself into a who boatload of trouble with the vampires on the Gates -and  not just Dylan and Claire.

The cliffhanger ending with Charlie acting like a red-eyed zombie with telekinetic powers, while Devon smilingly told those present, “I said I could bring him back, but I never said he’d be the same.” was just delish!  Who’s going to beat the crap out of Devon first? What is Charlie? Can he be restored to normal, and if so how?

PLEASE don’t let ABC-TV leave the audience in the lurch on these questions. They have to AT LEAST give us a wrap-up episode.

I simply don’t understand why the network couldn’t have sold the series to an interested party like Sy-Fy or TNT.


The Good Wife-Shines in Season Premiere

We picked up where we left off last season with the fateful phone call from Will to Alicia. She’s about to approach the podium where her husband Peter is speaking as her phone ring. One of Peter’s aide’s takes the phone from her, who hands it to Eli. We see Peter leave two messages for Alicia, the first telling her that they should just “drop it” and return to normal, then second telling her that he doesn’t want to drop it and that he loves her.

Archie Panjabi’s Kalinda continues to entertain, as she spars with Scott Porter’s Blake.

Good – showdown with Judge Matchick, played by an austere Chris Sarandon.  Economizing on Kalinda’s time in conjunction with our recessionary times.


Stealth sexism and poaching? Jonas Stern wanted to take Alicia away from Lockhart & Gardner to work for him, and Derek Bond suddenly wants to mentor Alicia… Is it because both men realize how capable she is, not to mention how well-connected via her husband? Is the fact that she’s a very attractive woman make her some sort of legal secret weapon? The same could be said of Kalinda. Diane’s defection and the uncertainty of Alicia’s future location make this season all the more watchable.

New York Magazine’s Summary

LA Times Summary

Third part Bond has revealed his intention to buy out Diane en route to D.C. presumably to draw more clients to the firm. The office politics at the firm are as interesting as the impact of politics on the lives of the Florricks. Poor Grace was caught on camera defending her father’s dalliance with a hooker. Alicia is likely to pressure Peter to drop out of the race for the good of the family since living in a continuous media  fishbowl is highly objectionable to most parents.

This season, the stories have required more of an ensemble production with each talented cast member contributed to the drama. The sexual and professional tension between rival investigators Blake and Kalinda has been very entertaining.  So far, Michael J. Fox has been the most memorable guest this season, as a deceptively relatable rival attorney on a pharmaceutical company case.   This episode along with the one entitle VIP  have been my favorites so far, not only because  they forced the firm to pool its considerable resources, but because the outcomes were not predictable and yet very realistic.